Monday, March 21, 2011

The Waste Stream: 'Junk Mail'

I have a lot of different responsibilities in my line of work. I studied in environment and my specialty is public health, although I personally like "waste management", it makes me sound like Tony Soprano...

In my past life I figured I'd be an accountant because "number crunching" was easy for me and there was plenty of that work, and I was interested in technology.

Mesh all three together and you have have me and you hear my thoughts...

Tonight I rediscovered some photographs I took a few years back. Below are pictures of the junk mail I accumulated over say a 6 month (approximate) period. I consider this in the ways that are predictable...resources...and I take it one step further and consider this to be another example of how the "system" works.

At this time I'll point out that I could put a "No Junk Mail" notice on my mailbox and by law I should not receive any more non-addressed mail.

What I don't like about this in particular is that I have to pay money for a recycling service. This quite literally means businesses pay for these catalogs to be produced and far as I am concerned this just adds to the cost of things people buy regardless. But a cost is relayed onto me, these take up recycling bin real estate, I'm paying for the disposal of their junk!

I looked online and the major retailers that can afford this dated means of communication have catalogs available online. With smart phones, tablets and high uptake of PC's...why don't people that care about prices look them up if they are so concerned? It's doubling up...tripling up really considering these places put out catalogs at the front of their stores...



  1. Junk mail, I find, is very annoying and unnecessary. It is completely outdated and is more hindrance than help.

  2. The thing that bugs me is that there are people who collect and look through junk mail (although nobody under the age of 30 that I know does this - so perhaps the days of the non-addressed mail are numbered)

  3. That's quite a bit of junk mail.

  4. I only collected it to show how much accumulates over time, I don't think people appreciate the sheer volume when they just throw it away immediately.

  5. Seems ridiculous, but I guess some people like physical junk mail.

  6. Oh I hate junk mail!!! You're right it only ends up as an expense for you in the end. How annoying!

    Thanks for stopping by my site, your comment made my day-too funny!!

    I'm following!

  7. it's a bit depressing, all the wasted resources. hopefully such foolishness will end someday, before we're all dead.

  8. Sounds like something Tony would like to get his hand into.

  9. I was thinking "digital" when you said "junk mail"

  10. I get sooo much junk mail i tend to think these companies alone are doing 20% of the damage...
