Friday, April 8, 2011

Wind Turbines - Impacts upon those residing close to them

There is currently debate over the health impacts of renewable energy generators, wind turbines, on the health of humans in Australia as installations are taking off in these times of carbon tax threats.

Installations of "wind farms" are upsetting local residents because of a number of reasons including how they look, fears of negative impacts on the environment (wildlife), noise, health, and having a "not in my backyard" mentality.

According to those affected they have sleep patterns disrupted and symptoms such as headaches.

The counter argument is that in parts of Europe that already have these wind turbine installations people living near them don't make these sorts of claims.

I don't live near any of these...the closest site that I know about is about 2-3 hours away from me off the side of a highway, so I can't really make any comment besides I like renewable power supplies, that are 'clean' and these seem to represent this...however I do recall arguments about impacts of microwaves and cellular phone transmitting towers, so for the sake of the image of Green Energy, this needs to be done right...with all impacts verified and be eliminated or minimized.


  1. There are just being paranoiac of the unknown. There's no harm in wind turbines. Ask people living in the Netherlands how did they cope with so many windmills ;)

  2. The only bad thing about wind turbines is that they dont work with no wind... and they kill birds. other then that, im all for them!

  3. yeah...i used to live in belgium and we have a few of them.
    But the good thing about them is that we put em a bit further down into the sea on a few islands

  4. This is awesome post! Love it! keep up the great work!

  5. Ugh, people always complain about new shinny things -.-

  6. i think some of them make strange noises but still windmills are great

  7. they are inconsistent that's their main flaw

  8. pfff might as well keep burning gas then?

  9. Wow N4M3L3SS ahahaha you got me crackin'.

  10. haters gonna hate


  11. Hi man, the only problem about the wind parks is that some of that turbines kill birds. But for the noise, etc... I think it's just a way to exagerate as I live near a wind tourbines and I've no problems with that ^^

    Following! ^^

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