Tuesday, August 30, 2011

BEYONCE IS PREGNANT - Twitter Trend Beyoncé

Well I saw that Beyoncé Knowles is pregnant on Twitter. At first I thought is was an online prank, then I learned that it was in fact true. I then lol'd at the people that actually cared had written it all in CAPS LOCK. 

I noted that despite clever remarks about it being 'Destiny's Child' not many people had typed Beyoncé correctly. At this stage I knew it was true, I get hung up on grammar :P

Below is a picture from the popular twitter trend of August 2011 that made me think something was not right about it. I put it down to the DEMI LOVATO IS STUNNING trend...also all in CAPS. Perhaps the real trend on twitter is using the caps lock feature as cruise control for cool. 

^^ Beyoncé Knowles Pregnant Picture


  1. I had friends freaking out about it on fb, people are lame.

  2. really, this isn't really something to be excited about in my opinion

  3. Definitely agree with the above posts. Wow, somebody managed to get pregnant. It's hardly news, happens all the time in the world.

  4. I thought celebrities only adopted kids and hoarded all there genes to themselves.

  5. eh, nothing else is going on at the moment so people need something to tweet about.

  6. and another blog getting traffic because of Beyoncé's pregnancy. By writing about it you are extending the reach.

  7. and I should care because.....???
