Friday, July 13, 2012

Windows versus Mac - PC changes in ~10 years

The picture below was originally (at least when I first saw it like 10 years ago) the windows guy frustrated because "M$" was complicated and Apple was 'idiot proof'.

These days, as you can see, some people aren't satisfied with Apple devices (among others *cough cough SONY *cough*) because they are so closed down.

With Windows 8 and the whole Microsoft Surface/Tablet device raising concerns about a 'locked down' Microsoft hardware perhaps Android will be the cream that rises to the top.

I've known Apple Fanboys who agree with articles that say that Apple haven't brought anything much new to the table lately...I have had a Windows Mobile 7 phone (now 7.5) for years and see no reason to upgrade. Perhaps  I've had my technology fill? I'm not big into 'App's, 3D still seems a novelty to me and most new state of the art games have become too complex and involving to be fun for me anymore - though they are very impressive.

As you can see this image is from another site...

Note: When you close the bonnet of the Apple car it would flick the switch off :P

Sunday, July 8, 2012

'The man' knows what's better for you than your own doctor

Did you know? That "the Cancer Council (New South Wales Australia chapter) supports introducing a system for compassionate provision of marijuana to patients who may benefit from it"? And that "The federal (Australian) law regarding drug use places marijuana in Schedule 1" - this means that it has NO MEDICAL USE and CANNOT BE PRESCRIBED BY A DOCTOR.

This even sounds dumb right? Cannabis for sick people, be humane for goodness sake.