Well, G'Day, G'Day - it has been some time between regular posts to this blog due to, let's say..a glitch which is of no one parties fault in particular, and I would like to add that if the time for moving forward together has been reached I am welcoming of this revelation and am keen to get back into things here.
P.S I host ads. Or at least I used to, or tried to...it was never any secret and the revenue that is generated by sharing my original content was used for good purposes such as supporting finance for solar, preserving books/historic items, and whims for projects for things such as this very site. And I was very grateful for every cent of it.
If you've landed here or any other random page of mine, for whatever reason (I used to really get some views just based on current topical items) thanks for spending your time here and I hope it was worth the visit/support.
As for the future, where ad dollarydoos are forthcoming - I expect to perhaps modify the format of the place. Though not too radically, just radically enough..and maybe. Much has happened since establishing view*know*do in March 2011
Ciao f.n