Monday, July 8, 2024

I hope this site displays correctly across all devices

 Back when this page started smart phones were really in their infancy and web browsing was more done on computers. This is an old school computer page I have to remember is more than likely to be viewed on a handheld device with mobile OS.

I may investigate this further but I have never been reported any issues.


Saturday, June 29, 2024

Video Library NES Rentals and Knowing People - Game Hustles of the Past

Back in the early 90's the local video library chain i.e Video Ezy rented out NES titles for $5AUD for 3 Days. New-Releases or SNES titles may have attracted a  higher premium but I don't recall because back then it was all about the NES! 

The titles I clearly remember are Top Gun (our first rental and we couldn't get the landing..), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles + TMNT II The Arcade Game (<3), Batman, Double Dragon II, Super Mario Bros 2 + 3, The Legend of Zelda, Operation Wolf, Captain Skyhawk, Golf, Hyper Soccer (an regional exclusive title), The Flintstones (Rescue of Dino + Hoppy ;) ) and North & South to name a few. I feel I'll discuss some of these gems again in more detail later on.

One particular time a neighbour of ours asked that we return a game for them because they were unable to and it still had a days credit on it allowing us to enjoy it before it was expected to be back.. This game was Air Fortress and we bought it as an ex-rental years later. It is a great NES title and to think it is unlikely that we would have ever had played this game (at least on original hardware) if not for these circumstances. This same individual sold his copy of Kung Fu to us - One of my all time favourite games, period.

Speaking of other people with the same Nintendo NES console back when it was becoming an aged system...what a great pool of people to have established game libraries including titles that they would have stopped playing awhile ago. These types of generous individuals loaned us games on a number of occasions and trust me for someone otherwise limited to a handful for repetitive games, I was VERY GRATEFUL!

Where to start? These games were from all kinds of people and the variety was very much welcomed. I can recall Double Dribble, Double Dragon 3, Ninja Gaiden, Total Recall, 'Probotector' , Faxanadu and some suspicious 'piggyback' multicarts.

Friday, June 28, 2024

What a Mr Beast Feastable from Woolworths Australia looks like inside the packet

Would you like to know what a Mr Beast Feastable from a Woolworths supermarket in Australia looks like inside of the packet?

Here, you're welcome. Copyright, me.

Noggin of the Screaming Electron (Notse/Totse) is up and running

Well it's a new blog and it's called Noggin of the Screaming Electron or NOTSE for short. Notse totse for formal occasions and for web address well as a tip of the fedora to a notable text file repository of days gone by /RIP &T

What is it all about? Think of it as this place *1.01 or better yet visit: and enjoy the place for yourself.

 Hopefully it will be propped up with some ads so if you see one and it's relevant to your wants, needs, or interests don't be shy and open them. 



Friday, June 14, 2024

Further notice from historical site haitus announcement

 Well, G'Day, G'Day - it has been some time between regular posts to this blog due to, let's say..a glitch which is of no one parties fault in particular, and I would like to add that if the time for moving forward together has been reached I am welcoming of this revelation and am keen to get back into things here.

P.S I host ads. Or at least I used to, or tried was never any secret and the revenue that is generated by sharing my original content was used for good purposes such as supporting finance for solar, preserving books/historic items, and whims for projects for things such as this very site. And I was very grateful for every cent of it.

If you've landed here or any other random page of mine, for whatever reason (I used to really get some views just based on current topical items) thanks for spending your time here and I hope it was worth the visit/support.

As for the future, where ad dollarydoos are forthcoming - I expect to perhaps modify the format of the place. Though not too radically, just radically enough..and maybe. Much has happened since establishing view*know*do in March 2011

Ciao f.n


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Until further notice: Treat this page as an archive

Hi all, Unless you weren't already aware I haven't updated anywhere near as regularly as I once did. However there is one thing that I notice. From time to time there is a spike in popularity - Recently I noticed a spike so high I don't think I've seen as much traffic before, ever.

What caused such a spike? A blog entry from the past about names on Coca-Cola (Coke) bottles.

Yes it seems something I bothered writing about in years past was relevant only to North America recently - People searched it like they once did here in Australia I guess no one else much had written on the subject :P

I'm glad what I wrote was as entertaining/Informative as ever! And appreciate that my page counter ticks overly respectably month after month.

With that, I'll leave for now but I will also take this opportunity to tell visitors that there is some good content within my pages, check out the historical entries - Maybe you'll find one you like :)

Friday, July 12, 2013

Tone-deaf hate mail - Bag #1

Occasionally web pages under my umbrella-ella-ella-ah-ah-ah (Rihanna) get some interesting comments. Here are some of the more recent ones that I found amusing that came in from a bunch of crazed Guy Sebastian* fans (or just one obsessed 'Guy' die-hard?). Either way, Enjoy. Please :)

That is 20 seconds of my life I will never get back. You are a piece of garbage my friend. I take pleasure in the fact that the more success Guy has, the more it will rankle you. As to where he was #1. Try #1 on the ARIA Charts for six weeks this year with his sixth #1 single. If you don't know what the ARIA Charts are (wouldn't be surprised if a dumb twit like you didn't) they are Australia's music charts which report on what music people are buying each week. Guy's recent SMASH HIT Battle Scars has just achieved 6x platinum sales to become the second highest selling single ever released by an Australian act, only surpassed by Gotye's one hit wonder Somebody That I Used To Know. Guy also has three other songs in the top ten highest selling Australian artist songs ever as well. So he is not going away anytime soon. Hang in there arsehole, it is going to be painful for you.

"Sick individual aren't you.He's got more talent & love & caring for his fellow man than you ever could."
